I didn't buy any fabric (I prefer to support my local shop) but I invested in a few patterns, and this was one of them. It's really for a wall quilt but I increasingly prefer what I make to be useful so I changed it into a pair of cushions. I love these checked "homespun" fabrics, and anyone who's ever seen my scrapbooking knows that I'm crazy about buttons, so I put plenty on my cushions. You'd think they might be a bit lumpy to lean on, but extensive testing has revealed that this is NOT the case ...
I'm still writing my book but have promised myself some creative time every day as well. I've been making a mini book today, and making a friend's curtains. Oddly enough, after stressing out about DD3 coming home to live, she's gone away for the holiday weekend and I miss her! No pleasing some people ....