Wednesday, 23 April 2014


As those of you who are regular visitors here know, I often use my journal to get something off my chest.  Today is no exception.  It all began with a half started page I really wasn't liking at all, so I found a leftover piece of interesting scrapbook paper and covered it up.  I love it when you can do that!
Actually I wish I could make a background this good, but sadly I didn't.  Anyway, I had some fun just adding collage elements to it, all with no theme or subject in mind - which is why the items chosen make no particular sense!  It doesn't have to, I just like the way it came together.
But then, later the same day, I had a deeply frustrating telephone conversation with somebody, and that's what found its way onto the page.  The spiky orange bits and the lettering itself are done with  Posca paint pens - the smallest ones have the finest nib for this kind of work.  I was trying to do slimmer lettering this time, and it was fun to use a pale colour like white, although it needed outlining with a black fineliner to make it pop off the page.
So there I was, steam no longer coming out of my ears, and quite pleased with what I'd done.  As I said, a journal page doesn't necessarily have to make any particular sense, as long as it does so to you the author.  I know what lay behind the creation of this page, and I'm the only person who needs to know!  Isn't journalling wonderful - I satisfied my creative urges and got rid of my pent-up annoyance all at the same time!


Anonymous said...

pretty nice blog, following :)

viv said...

I can see your Art Journal really helps you get rid of your frustrations and record your joys. I'm just starting mine and hope to be able to do the same

Unknown said...

I really love this page. Everything about it is just beautiful, and the lettering is so amazing!!

nightingalehoop said...

Hey, richtig super Internetseite. Woher hast du das Theme oder ist das selbst programmiert?
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alexa said...

Just brilliant! The letters do indeed pop, and that's a super background to be working with - I'd love to make one like that too. Great use of frustrated energy :). Like the spiky bits too - I was thinking fire-breathing dragon!