I'm sure Wednesdays come around more often that they used to, although it does seem to help me get my backside in gear! Once more I reveal all for the What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday inspired by Miss Julia Dunnit. So here's my window workspace today - I thought it was a dreadful mess with stuff everywhere, and was tempted to tidy up before taking a photo, but now I look at the picture I can see that you won't think so!
And here's a close-up of the actual creative space - I've been working on the March entry for the art journal in a box (that orangey box there) I'm putting together this year. Wanted to do something around Spring and resurrection, hence the Gothic architecture and so on. Also visible is the ATC shrine which excited so much interest - now painted a grey-blue colour, after which inspiration deserted me. Am now waiting for it to come back from wherever its gone, and if you see it please instruct it to get back here sharpish!

Eagle eyes might also spot more attempts at grunge style triple embossing (not going too well - as neither my beloved nor I can remember the finer points of the demo we watched). I finally managed to get hold of a pack of grungepaper, which you might also spot, but haven't had time to play with it yet.
And here is the March journal page - I think it's finished, but am not absolutely sure. Don't you think it sort of needs something??

There is journalling on the back about Spring and Resurrection, and the words from this hymn which I've been singing for days ....
Now the green blade rises
From the buried grain
Wheat that in the dark earth
Many days has lain
Love lives again
That with the dead has been
Love is come again
Like wheat that springeth green