Linda told me I had to put this on my blog! I've seen some wonderful felt brooches around and about and fancied having a go at making one. The felt is a jumper of my daughter's which I rescued from the charity shop bag because a) it was wool, and b) I absolutely LOVE the colour. I put it through the hot wash and it came out shrunk enough to fit a toddler, since when I've been working on pieces of it. I'm not actually going to show you attempt one (too embarrassingly bad) but no.2 above is an improvement. I added a panel of silk taffeta and explored some of the decorative stitches on my sewing machine.

After adding another panel, velvet this time, I took it downstairs and had a go at hand beading and embroidering it. This is the part I'm less pleased with - perhaps I should have had a more definite pattern in my mind for the beading, I just did it randomly and I'm rather afraid you can tell! I don't see it as finished, but am resting it for a while in the hopes that inspiration might strike. What I want to do is how do you do beading "properly" and is there a book I can learn from? Answers on a postcard please ....!!