I came across this quote just as I was beginning to make journal pages again, and although I generally prefer to use my own words, I liked this saying enough to want to record it. I've no idea where it came from but will attribute it properly if anyone can tell me. I don't think its biblical, but I could be wrong.
I'm not truly back in the groove with the journalling yet, so began with a simple grey/blue circle on a strong pink background - you know how much I love pink! Anyway, backgrounds do not need to be fancy. This was done using bog standard acrylic paints from the hobby shop - again materials don't have to be posh or expensive either.
Then I put in my favourite face stamp - I have short dark hair so often use this one to represent myself. Grabbed a few pieces of blue(ish) collage and I was away .... lost in that lovely zone where you just create for the sake of doing it. I've missed that.
I like to put the words in before I fill too much of the space up. You may notice also that I link my collage pieces together with a black line, always curved, rarely a straight edge. It gives the random bits of paper some kind of unity and connectedness.
Can you tell that the picture below of the final page was taken in a different light - it makes the pink look completely different! Lots more collage and of course the doodly bits I love so much.
I was sufficiently "lost in the moment" that I missed out a word in the smaller sentence, but just managed to squeeze it in. If you do something like this its always possible to paint over it - I'd use gesso first - and do it again, but on this occasion I couldn't be bothered. Never mind, I never said I was perfect did I? You don't get to see my mistakes or the muddy messes I occasionally make ...