In my defence I should point out that most people who are moving house in a little over two weeks are entitled to be slightly on the cranky side - and I was/am, though I am trying to work on that. Bear with me if you can. Anyway, we share our home with my Mother in Law and she is a dear really, its just sometimes ..... and she said something which really, REALLY got up my nose. Either that or everything just got on top of me, but this page is the result of my earnest attempts not to kill somebody.

I did very well - leaving the room sharpish before any bad words could be said, counting to 9 million etc, and I came upstairs to my studio and worked on this instead of looking for a blunt instrument. Its just so therapeutic this journalling lark, by the time I'd finished the page all my anger and frustration had dissipated and I was giggling again. Haven't had any murderous thoughts towards any of my nearest and dearest for at least 3 days now, which under the circumstances probably constitutes high achievement. I'm still alive too, despite probably not deserving to be, which tells its own tale about the forbearance of my family ....

I made the background for this page a couple of weeks back - more of my leftover scrapbook papers. Once I began to work on it I used quite a bit of paint and doodling, and a number of collaged or stamped images, and you can probably see how my pages just sort of grow and develop without any real plan. That's what I love best about this mixed-media lark, is that you can just throw whatever you've got at the page, and it all seems to work out somehow.

I ought to mention here one of my few claims to fame - and not many people can say this - is that I do actually have a certificate to prove that I'm sane (or was). It was given to me when they let me OUT of the psychiatric unit some years back. What evidence can most of us provide that we're basically of sound mind?? Answers on a postcard please ....