You know, I didn't think of myself as an inflexible person, or particularly set in my ways (although my daughters will tell you that I absolutely HAVE to sit in 'my' chair in the living room, and get quite uncomfortable if I can't)!! On the other hand, our forthcoming move has jolted me in all sorts of unexpected ways, leaving me with mixed feelings about what is, on the whole, a really positive relocation back north for us as a family. Obviously, these feelings are finding their way into my journalling, as I try to figure out where this sense of resistance is coming from.
This page started with a wash of dilute acrylic paint, after which I squirted some inky sprays at the page. I discovered quite by accident that this works best if you let the page background dry first - why did nobody mention that? Anyway, I really like the effects that this gives. Then I laid down my title and my first few thoughts on the subject. I can't remember why I felt moved to add some blotches of greenish paint, I just sort of did ...

I got a bit stuck once I'd finished the writing; I knew it needed
something but couldn't figure out what. For once I didn't want to do lots more journalling and fill up every corner! Somehow this was all I wanted/needed to say. Anyhow, there I was searching through my stamp catalogue - which sounds rather grand but is only a ring binder with a sample of each of my stamps - when I came across these seed head stamps, and in a flash of light I saw that they were exactly what would complete the page .

This was relatively quick and easy to put together - I did it all in one afternoon - and yet I'm really pleased with it because it captures exactly the feelings I needed to set down. Reflecting on it now, I'm reminded of that old saying "do not adjust your set, there is a fault in reality"! The problem seems to be that I need to adjust my attitudes and really get my head around living a new life in a new place. Wish me luck with that ....