So anyway - I saw one online that looked a bit like it and it was quite a lot cheaper (being silver and semi precious rather than platinum and diamonds!!) so on impulse I bought it, and here it is ...

There's just one problem - in my enthusiasm I didn't stop to check out the dimensions, and now it's arrived I'm wondering if it might be just a teensy weensy bit BIG?? You know, ostentatious, flashy, nay even VULGAR? (which is definitely what my mother would say).

I do rather love it however, and its very VERY sparkly, much more than it looks in the picture. Go on ... tell me the truth, is it perhaps, just a bit.... over the top??? Or should one perhaps go for the big gesture at my advanced age?
PS Sorry about the wrinkly old bag who rushed in and insisted on modelling the ring for the picture. I couldn't stop her and don't know where she came from! Now where did I put that hand cream ...
PPS you know it's actually even bigger than it looks in the picture at 1.5 cms.