Some of you guessed right! These are a cunning tool for spreading distress inks - and much cheaper than the official Ranger applicators which are £4.95 EACH! This lost cost me about £8 for the lot, being just bare wood doorknobs from a DIY store! I added colour labels before I gave them a coat of clear varnish, and you must admit the pink looks FAB! All done with one 99p match pot and I've got lots left ...

Got to confess that this clever idea isn't original, but pinched off my lovely friend and almost next-door-neighbour Alix. I watched her use her knobs on a project and was impressed by how easy it made inking - I was doing it with just lumps of cut n dry foam, but was finding them hard to grip and had permanently inky fingers! So if you feel inspired, why not have a go yourself?? We could start a new fashion for pink knobs??