Over on
Julia's blog she's asking "what's on your desk"? So I thought I would show you how impressively and wondrously tidy mine is! Gasps with amazement - how neat, how organised you cry! Yes well I can see why you would, and I will just bask in your approval for a minute here ....

OK OK, it's a fair cop and I'll come quietly. That IS my workspace, but it's in the attic window and it's far too cold to work over there, so I've decamped to the centre table for the duration. It's nearer the heater and the kettle, not to mention right under the big light, so it has many attractions. No it's not really a scenic location, and lacks the view from the window, so I shall be glad to return to it come the Spring.
So THIS is where I've really been working this afternoon ...

That's my new Scor-Pal wot I got for Christmas, and my trusty Tim Holtz scissors. On the left is my round and round tote thingy which holds all my essentials, and centre back is a 99p birdhouse type thing which once held a primula pot plant (the plant wasn't up to much, but I bought it for the container), which I then painted pink and glammed it up a bit, and now I keep my markers in it! On my mat is the black and white gift box I've been working on today, in between nipping out to take photos of the snow ...
Now I know you must be wondering about the little fella at the back overseeing the whole operation, and I can explain ... Obviously he's a Bagpuss type mouse, and he was a Christmas present from my beloved, but the thing about him is HE SINGS THE WE WILL STICK IT WITH GLUE song!! Absolutely love it.

I found him in a shop in Stow on the Wold and was so enchanted when I heard him that I sang the song endlessly to my beloved all the rest of the way around the town. Despite this, he still went back secretly and got one for me, though he might have regretted it since because I'm STILL singing the song intermittently and dear daughter has rudely requested that I shut up!! Wot a cheek, I'd put her rent up if she paid any ...
So now you can see the awful truth about my messy workspace and the kind of company I keep! Wasn't going to photograph the cup of hot chocolate with brandy in it that I just downed (it's very COLD today, I needed reinforcing) because obviously that would be too incriminating .....