Well as I promised, here is the first instalment of the pictures of the redecorated studio - now white with touches (well quite a few actually) of pink! As you can see I'm lucky enough to have a large room on the top floor of the house, which has a wonderful bay window with a view over the garden and local rooftops. I love it up here and have my workstation built into the window.
Our old dining table occupies the centre so that I can teach and hold groups here (assuming they can puff their way up all the stairs). I had a double fluorescent strip light installed over the table so that we work in a good light. I can take up to five people (six at a pinch) and the blue polka dot PVC tablecloth stands up to some heavy use, although I do find that inkpads can stain it. I'm looking for a pink replacement because the pale blue isn't that practical - or do you think that might be TOO MUCH pink?? As if ....
The next picture shows where I work in the centre of the window, with the storage of all my most used items around me. I have a large cutting mat here and my MM tote which holds all my basic tools. The surface is a kitchen worktop which is perfect to work on and stands a good deal of abuse and still comes up clean! The shelf at the back is an Ikea CD storage shelf which I turned upside to use as cubby holes. On top I keep my catalogues of stamps, my markers, and binders of collage sheets, while the spotty case holds some of my favourite clear stamps.

As you can see below most of my storage is Really Useful Boxes, although I also love the metal buckets from Ikea which just fit in the spaces between the windows! I'm wondering if I should spray them pink too - the wire cake rack on the left already got the treatment!
You may also notice that I have two bins - I'm a passionate recycler so I have one for paper which will recycle (which is most of the rubbish I generate), and I only very reluctantly put stuff in the other bin because that means it will have to go to landfill.
You might be able to see my s

uper lamp - not only is it completely adjustable and on a swivel base (which is built into the worktop), but it includes a lens for very close work. I used to use that a lot when I made miniatures. When the daylight fades I get a lovely cosy pool of light from the lamp - I'm often surprised how people set up beautiful studios and scrap rooms without giving the same attention to the lighting, which is key!
I'm sure there must be lots of things I haven't mentioned (like that plant I'm always trying to kill) so if I've missed anything out and you have questions just ask!! Yes before you ask I did tidy up a bit for the photos, but I am usually pretty tidy anyway!!