I rarely do anything fancy in terms of background because I know that I will be covering it up - and the picture below shows just how simple it is! Just acrylic paint - the ordinary kind you can buy at hobby stores. In this case I didn't even bother to go right to the edges of the page, because I wanted to do a collaged border.
So because I tend to stay in one colour range I then dragged out my drawer of orange/yellow/ gold/brown elements. Its a very simple technique to create a border in this way and to be honest right now I can't really manage anything more complicated. I don't worry about my collage pieces being the same width, because a varied edge gives it more interest.
You may notice below that I've added a shadow and a black line around the inner edge - I hope you agree that this makes a substantial difference to how the page looks? I found this Modigliani lady among my images, and thought she looked kind of reflective, or wistful even, as if she might be looking back - and that's why the writing tells her/me not to!
The rest of the page was added here and there, as I had a few minutes to spare, and is of course (as always) a message to myself. We're in a new place and have left all but a few special friends behind, so life can feel a bit lonely and isolated at times. When I get to feeling that way I remind myself not to look back, but to look ahead to a time when we've made new friends and become better established in the area - we HAVE only been here one month!
Still there's no doubt that life feels a bit quiet and our social life is distinctly limited for now. Maybe that's why I feel disappointed that while almost a thousand people have been by in the past week, only ONE person opted to leave a comment. Now I am NOT a comments junkie, and that's not why I keep this blog up faithfully, but right now it would be nice to know that you're out there and that I'm not just talking to myself - so say hi if you have time and tell me whether the blog helps you. It would be so nice to know its making a difference to someone.