Well I'm back - and (almost) over the jet lag, although we found a brilliant homeopathic remedy for that which helped a LOT.
This was a page I made shortly before we went .... I must have been in holiday mode already when I put that palm tree in there (we've been to Florida)!
I sometimes feel that my pages can be a bit too tight and controlled, so I tried my best to loosen up with this one. At this stage its simply acrylic paint in two colours with a little bit of collage on the top.
Then very often I just write down whatever is on my heart at the time - frequently surprising myself with the revelation of what I'm really thinking about or need to say. You may know that we're making preparations to retire, but any kind of timescale is a bit unclear at the moment. We'd actually hoped to be gone by now, but in fact the current approximate date is September. Since building work on our new home hasn't even begun I'm not setting my heart on that happening!
But when I wrote this statement down I realised that was OK - I can still look forward to getting there even if I'm not yet sure how and when. Its entirely possible that I was also demob happy because of the holiday, and simply content to just let things roll for a time. Usually I like to have rather more control of things ....
The palm tree is also done with collage, and like the shapes below and above it are just cut from random magazines. Once I found the texture that I used to make the trunk it was always going to be a tree, and then it just seemed to need the red bird, who seemed to look a bit like a chicken. Well that got me thinking about our chickens happily pecking about in the yard, blithely untroubled by anything much .... so I added chicken(ish) birds to indicate that state of mind.
Sorry this is quite short - my brain is still slightly out of sync with the rest of the world, but I hope to be back to proper form shortly.
Couldn't resist sharing this picture of me drinking a FABULOUS cocktail on our trip - it was called The Tranquiliser, and boy did it work! Three kinds of rum, loads of pineapple juice, all topped up with cream and a cherry. :)
And yes, we DID have a very nice time, thank you for asking!!