Well you won't be surprised in these cold dark days to know that what I was dreaming of was warmth and sunshine - I'm not the only one, right? We've booked out the time, now all we have to do is decide where we want to go.
This page is one where there has been bleed-through from the opposite side, so once again I've used an offcut of scrapbook paper to cover that up and provide a ready-made background. The photo above shows the first few images and scraps of text that I put down, with a title drawn with a Promarker.

Then I started writing, and feeling that the page needed a bit more texture, added some lengths of Washi Tape just to liven things up a bit. I love this stuff and often use it as page borders too. Here I've outlined the title in black just to make it pop off the page a bit more.

And then, as so often happens, I got completely absorbed and forgot to take any more pictures until it was done. I do like doing this wobbly border (drawn with a Promarker) which extends into kind of cracks in the paper (I know what I mean). If you scroll down I used this in the last page I blogged too, and I often use my water soluble crayons to kind of add shade too.
That last statement "time with you" kind of crept up on me as the thing I was dreaming of more than anything. We share our home with my husband's 82 year old mother, and although she is a dear sometimes I just
wish we could have more time to ourselves. ....
Anyway, while I'm about it I thought I would show you the journal which I've just completed - my third. My basic books are A5 canvas covered with a gesso finish, which allows me to paint them any colour I like - hence the pink! The three I've filled so far are all different, and I really enjoy finding bits and pieces to hang from the binding - they're all there for a reason, some of which make sense and some don't. There is very often a key, because for me art journalling has opened a door ....

And this is the journal I'm now working in - I had taken my time preparing it ahead once I got past the half way point in the pink one. Painted this one purple (I was in that kind of mood) and made a panel of soft hand-embossed metal to go on the front. I love doing this kind of work but my hands are getting so arthritic I don't think I'll be able to do it much longer, so thought I'd made a journal with it while I still could!

As you will probably have noticed, each journal has its own number, and I also put the relevant dates inside the cover, just in case I ever want to find a specific period of time. I've already begun on the next journal by painting it metallic bronze (a change is as good as a rest) but haven't decided how to decorate it yet.