YEE HAW I'm back! Don't ask about last week I really don't want to go through that again. Anyway here I am with the WOYWW inspired by the wondrous
Julia and on my desk this week is my gorgeous new pink mat, which sort of fell into my trolley when I went to the Range to buy PVA glue. In my defence I have to say that it lifts my spirits summat wonderful, so was a complete snip at the price. You may notice a slight fondness for pink here and there if you look around ...
And having taken to art journalling like a duck to water, as you can see I was working on another entry here - but it can't be revealed because it's not finished. Don't know if I've ever mentioned that the "hutch" at the back of my desk is an Ikea CD shelf which I turned upside down, so that it gives me a shelf and those little cubby holes. Works for me and is great for ink storage, although this is far from being my entire ink pad collection, just my most used.

Anyway, thought I'd do a bit of a swing for you this week, so this is the left side of my bay window desk, which offers a view of my Homebase cake stand, sprayed pink by me. I really
really wanted one of these, but since I've had it am not sure if I've found the perfect use for it yet. I do keep my Distress ink knobs (applicators) in the top, but otherwise it's a bit of a dumping ground. Suggestions for using the lower portions welcome!
And last of all, here is another journal layout - don't read it if you are of a nervous disposition, it wasn't a good day. Am happy to report that a more positive one followed ... Distress ink background, some bits punched out of scrap paper, a stamped face (I forget whose) and LOTS of doodling, which is my favourite bit.

Will be back to look at other desks later - I never get to all of them and have stopped even trying, I just dip in and out at random because that's the best I can do. Sorry if that bugs you.