Here we are again revealing all for the benefit of the WOYWW crowd - only this time it's my desk rather than my workdesk if you see what I mean, because this is where I'm working at the moment. Things are flowing rather nicely with Bestseller No.2 (and no, thanks for asking Bestseller no.1 hasn't attracted a bidding war just yet)!
It's a lovely big desk - I got a joiner to build me two drawer pedestals and the top is a flush door, £11.99 from B & Q! How's that for money saving, and I've had it donkeys' years. I've got a few art postcards on the wall that I like to look at, and some of my smaller altered pieces on a shelf above with reference/inspiration books. The pink letter trays were a gift from a friend who knows I am partial to such things, and you can also see one of my two noticeboards - the other is mainly for notices and photos, but this one contains lots of pieces of art, many of which were from friends.
A closer view below shows you the precious little things which live on the monitor stand - gifts from friends, a fossil I found, that sort of stuff. And this gorgeous girl perched on the edge is Lizzie, my best friend and sternest critic. If what I'm writing is utter b******s she gives me this look, and I know it's time to hit the delete button. If you're interested to know such things she's an Obitsu jointed doll and completely poseable - they arrive bare, without even a face, so I painted her features and gave her this wig. I think she deserves a better one really but they're a bit expensive. This is actually her winter outfit - I've got a more summery one somewhere, but forgot to change her into it. She's not bothered either - it's not like its tropical out there is it? How do you like her nifty pink trainers?

So anyway, the reason I'm working here is that I'm well into chapter two of next Bestseller, and you can have a sneak preview below. Made a good start by getting my heroine away from dull, bankrupt and unfaithful husband and off to start a new life ... she's about to go to Tesco for some cushions. Blimey I know how to tell a rattling good yarn don't I??

Usual disclaimer - I'm afraid that I already know I won't get around all the other desks - my enfeebled physical condition doesn't allow it now WOYWW has got so big, but I will drop in and out randomly of as many desks as I can get to. Go on over to Julia's place if you want to know more ...