I haven't blogged one of my spiritual pages for some time, but as we are just about to come into the season of Advent it seemed an appropriate time. This is a variation on Psalm 91 but with a feminine pronoun ... I guess you all know by now that I relate to a female God at times, which is perfectly legitimate since God is beyond gender. This has been a very helpful part of my inner life and one I have used for almost 30 years.
I don't usually draw things out in pencil first, but on this occasion wanted to work out the wings and feather placement by looking at images of real wings.
Then I went in with paint, and it was at this point I lost the centrality of the face above the wings, but what the heck. This is just standard acrylic hobby paint over gesso, and then I outlined the features with a Posca paint pen and added some shading to the eyes with a marker.
And then I added the detail to the wings with the same Black Posca paint pen, and it got a tiny bit zentangly but I loved doing it. I'd been waiting all along and get out the gold pen and add elements such as the halo. Somehow there always has to be gold in my spiritual pages, because I work and live with the idea that God is the seam of gold in all the mundane things of life.
The lettering was done with a white Posca pen, and then I just went to town with the gold and filled all the remaining space. I'm slightly niggled that her face now seems offset, but not enough to go back and change it.
Advent Sunday tomorrow and the beginning of our celebration of the coming of the Light, always with the words "Give us Grace to cast away the works of darkness ...." lovely stuff.
PS Sorry this is brief - I have a cold in the head and am not doing joined up thinking ....