
Monday, 12 November 2018


I was looking back at my journal pages (coming towards the end of book no.14) and couldn't help noticing that they deal a lot more with the things I struggle with than all the blessings in my life.  So I decided to redress the balance with this page, and made a positive start by painting it pink, which is my happy colour!
I added a pretty lady from my stash of clippings and started to draw and put down collage elements - trying always to resist my tendency to put a simple frame around the page.  Nothing wrong with doing that, but I do like to challenge myself to work in different ways.
While working I was thinking about how small my life has become - not getting out all that much, social life primarily online etc etc, usual self pity party.  Gave myself a good telling off for not appreciating what I do have - it may be a little life but it IS a good one, with friends and family, a whole host of hobbies and interests, and generally so much to be grateful for.
Lots of fun doodling and drawing on this page, as you can see - that's the part I enjoy most, getting in the zone and just playing with paint pens and collage.
Sorry I haven't written much here, but it was our youngest daughter's wedding this past weekend.  It was the most wonderful day in a historic hall in the city of York, but unsurprisingly it was also very very tiring.  Now back at home and planning to rest and recover most of this week .... but (at risk of vanity) I did want to demonstrate that I can clean up well when I have to!
PS if my hair looks a bit odd its because I am wearing a tiny little black hat!
Rosie x


  1. Definitely a pink and happy page - lovely, lovely work.

    I, too, am thankful for all life's blessings in my little world. God's good and it's good to be thankful.

    It isn't always easy to focus on the good things but you did a great job here.


    Cath x

  2. A beautiful page as always Rosie. I am so pleased it is a happy page as I am a firm believer on what we focus on in life expands. If we always think of the difficulties, we always will see the difficulties. But is we focus on our blessings we will see blessings everywhere. (Don't mean to be 'preachy'!!) Love and blessings to you always.

  3. Thank you so much for being you and for sharing your journey. I am also an artist who happens to have (several) disabilities. Your art is so amazing, it's therapeutic just to look at it, and read your words. I am blessed by your honesty, encouragement, and inspiration. May God bless you and keep you!

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