
Sunday 22 October 2017


On a drawing page somewhere (probably Pinterest, I can waste hours on there) I came across the idea of these little critters with chubby bodies and a kind of oval cut out for a face.  When I tried to draw one he started out smiling and benign, but turned out to be a grumpy demon in the end!

Below the background I made with Neocolour II crayons in yellows and blues, onto which I've begun to collage various shapes.  This is my go-to technique when I don't have any brighter ideas.
For some reason I decided to give the collage elements a black spiky edge, suggesting to me that they weren't "friendly".  Its just the way my mind works, sorry.  I drew the little creature in the middle and made him look worried - well you would with these spiky amoeba things coming to get you!
More spiky edges followed - I love how the Posca paint pen gives an opaque finish over almost all surfaces, even the very slightly waxy finish of these crayons.  I was keeping to the edge because I knew I'd want to write on the other areas - something to look out for because you can get so carried away creating that you forget to leave space!
Then it turned out that the creature wasn't me at all, and wasn't friendly either - he was actually another demon (I have lots of those), setting out as usual to torment me in my low moments.  You may be familiar with the kind that tell you you're selfish and lazy, that you're no use to anybody (particularly difficult area for us disabled types), that you are in fact a waste of space.  And that's before the historical ones/sins of the past come out to get you ...
But that's the genius of journalling - because I drew the demons and made them look silly, and not scary at all.  Anyway by drawing and working on the page I sort of hid until it was safe to come out.

Trying out a new diet at the moment - well a complete change of my eating habits really - in the hopes that it might bring some improvement.  There seems to be strong (proper medical) evidence that it can, so I can only hope it works for me.  Nothing lost by trying ... except that, as predicted, you feel rotten for the first week or two.  Yep.  It must be working!!
Rosie X


  1. Mine too, Rosie - way too often!!!
    Gorgeous work as ever and great to see the process - you're so good at sharing that.
    Thank you.

    Cath x

  2. I just love your work and also appreciate you sharing all of this with your readers. I look forward to your posts! TFS

  3. Great way to get rid of those pesky demons! Can totally relate to that useless feeling- once you get there it's quite hard to crawl back out again. Hope the new diet works. I've been thinking about doing something similar. There's this one about feeding your gut that sounds interesting...Gentle hugs as always xx

  4. How intriguing to see these critters as they emerged, captured and caged inside the four sides of your page - looks like a good place for them to be! Hoping that new diet helps ... I'm not sure what it is, but I know I have felt so much better since cutting out gluten and grains. Do keep us posted :). Sending you warmest good wishes ...


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