
Sunday, 30 April 2017


Thought I would show you something else of my process this time - a lot of you have been kind enough to let me know that you really appreciate seeing the pages develop step by step.  It begins as always with a simple background - the turquoise blue acrylic paint and the yellow mingle together quite well, but they needed something more so I added white on top.
Then I got out my collage materials (and coffee, always coffee).  As you can see below I sort these broadly by colour.  I have a set of shallow 12 x 12 drawers which I have labelled blue, green, orange, pink/red and neutrals etc.  Into these go anything which takes my fancy, although I do prefer the pieces to not be shiny so rarely use glossies - fortunately lots of magazines and catalogues are printed on matte finish paper these days.  Use what you have, save wrapping paper, scrounge from friends, etc etc.

I snip them from anywhere and everywhere - I've even been known to chop up children's books from the charity shop.  A favourite source is plain coloured envelopes that birthday or other cards come in.  These provide a block of solid colour I can draw or stamp on.  I pick much of my collage stuff up for free, and my Other Half is trained to bring home anything which looks interesting.

Then as you can see below I begin pulling out bits and pieces, shapes and colours, sometimes I punch or cut out shapes, just trying them in place.  Some stay and get stuck down and some don't.
I like to keep it fairly simple - you can always add more if you feel the need later.  This strange face began to appear at the top, but I didn't like it - there's an untrustworthy look in those eyes.  That made me think of the weaselly demons which come out to torment you, and it kind of went from there ...
The wormhole doodling represents the knots we tangle ourselves up in, and I could practically hear this demon whispering "you aren't good enough".  My mother's voice was in there too, but I told her to shut up because she's dead.  And in fighting her off I came up with the bit at the bottom, to remind myself that these whispers, often from the past, are lies we shouldn't believe.
My recent pages seem to have become a little bit simpler - its as if I'm finally giving myself permission to have empty spaces?  Or maybe I'm just lazy.  It may well be both!

We're flying the Atlantic tomorrow for some much needed sunshine in Florida.  In the warmth and sun I am always more well and in less pain, so this is my annual treat.  Plus the ice cream is flippin gorgeous.  See you in a couple of weeks 😎


  1. have a lovely time in Florida. It is a perfect escape from the drawn out cold. Love how you explained challenging your demons.
    your work is both inspiring and comforting
    Thank you.

  2. Hope you enjoyed your journey to Florida. I live on the East Coast (as far as you can go in New Jersey) so it's hot/humid here right now. I prefer cold so go figure that I live at the beach. lol.

    You have any amazing way of telling the story that began your pages. Demons! Oh my, very brave to put them out there. And I feel the pain of the "mother" in your head as I had one of those. I really need to start journal and put it out there. Truly inspiring.

  3. Thank you so much for showing the progression of your mixed media art work. I am just getting started and am mystified by how a piece is created. Seeing how your pieces are created is so very helpful and encouraging.


I love your comments and find them very helpful, but only have limited strength and energy so have chosen to follow just a few blogs rather than leave thank-yous for the comments I receive. Hope you understand, and I do SO appreciate your feedback.