
Tuesday, 3 January 2017


We've had a very quiet Christmas and New Year, which gave me time to make this page in my brand new journal ... its not often that I begin a new one (this is number 13) right as the year turns.  It feels sort of auspicious somehow?  OK just me then.

I had a very broad idea of what I wanted to do - a central figure, a statement about new year, and some general observations on how I feel about it ... given the general climate of gloom etc etc.  I painted the simple outline of a figure first, then added the red background around it.
Then the "opening statement" and some work on the figure followed.  Apologies for the fact that some of these pictures were taken in daylight and some in artificial lighting - which makes the red look pinker.
I wanted to do something like New Year fireworks on the page, with the figure outlined against them.  This began by using a curly stamp on yellow paper, which I then cut out and stuck down.  I also added some reflections on the aforesaid atmosphere of gloom ... feeling that this is being somewhat overstated by the world's media. At least I hope so.
So more curly bits and pieces and more writing - I don't do resolutions exactly, so this is more of a statement of hopeful intent. I plan to remain optimistic and hopeful about the essential goodness of the human race, even if not about those currently in charge of running many countries.
And then the final stage was to add the dots that turn the curly squiggles into fireworks - at least I see them that way!  I'd always intended to do zentangle type patterns on the body of the figure, but left that to the last minute in case I thought it would look too busy.
Our seasonal celebrations were small and very quiet, and of course I missed seeing my children, but I spent some high quality time with my Beloved and that can only be a Good Thing.  Happy 2017 to you all ...


  1. Another touching page - I feel as if I am looking at an icon. A very uplifting message for a new year (and for the first page of a new journal too). Ojalá, as the Spanish say: oh, that it may be so :).

  2. So glad i caught your post Rosie... I haven't made resolutions or picked a 'word' for the year in quite a while... Instead i say i'm going to try to be the best me i can be and all that entails.. :) Love your page my dear and always look forward to a new post from you.. Here's to 2017 ... hopefully its all up from here... Hugs! deb

  3. One of the reasons I love your blog so much is #1 You show the completed piece first. Then you proceed to share each step in the process which so many people don't do. I often wonder how they did their art journal page, but don't know what they did first and last. When you break it down like you do, I feel so inspired and I know I can do it. I love your style font, I love how you coordinate colors and even though you have a full page of design, it never looks chaotic. It's organized and well thought out in placement and design....I love that. Thank you for inspiring us with your words. Let's hope and pray for a wonderful and healthy 2017!

  4. It's beautiful and thoughtful, Rosie! I love that you are hopeful!

    In my deepest, darkest time, I decided to take a break from the "news". I felt that their intent was to make me experience the emotions that would keep me tuning in, and I did not want to let "them" decide the climate of the world. I, through my own filtering of information, would decide. It has been amazing. My world is the one I make it, and the humanity that I experience is mostly the good kind.

    Since you don't do resolutions (a good idea), maybe you could make a goal of four weeks of zero TV news. The articles you read on the web are filtered by you, and you only let in the positive stuff. It makes no sense to hear about terrible things that you can't do anything about anyway. It only serves to make us sad and hopeless.

    Big hugs,

  5. At least you were able to have some Skype time with some of your girls!

  6. You are so inspiring to everyone who reads your blog and having the pleasure of meeting you and your lovely husband (who incidentally a few of us at pcp group have christened him Rupert because of his scarf) you are one amazing couple and I am truly in awe of you, your husband and your work. See you next week hopefully) xx


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