So I changed it a bit and gave it a grey edge - and also added the lettering. One of the reasons we're retiring soon is because its hard for me to get out of the house without help, so I spend far too much time alone and inside. Rightly or wrongly I sometimes feel cut off from the world (except for the internet) and left out of so much that is happening "out there".
But the next day I looked at this again and saw nothing but a wail of self pity - which will never do! So I pulled myself together and wrote the stuff up the side. It helped.
I hesitated before sharing this because (obviously) I prefer to share things with a positive message, or that celebrate my victory over something negative. This sort of does the latter, but the greater part of it arose out of the need to give voice to how isolated and lonely I feel at times. This is an integral part of my journey and it felt important to share my occasional darkness as well - for me art journalling has to be HONEST, and document both the light and the dark.
Thankfully the lights have come back on but I am in sore need of a long lie down .....
Life is not all rosy ,even for those of us who do not have your challenges.... i would rather see you show all sides of yourself rather than just the sunny side... This turnedout to be a lovelypage ... love the rock wall....i'm so glad you shared...
ReplyDeleteThank-you for sharing bravely the evolution of your page, and I am sad to hear of your being stuck inside and of the loneliness at times. Hoping the retirement plans are coming along apace, and shaping up into something better for you :).
ReplyDeleteWe all have moments when it all just feels too hard...I love that your journal pages express your true journey.