
Sunday, 3 August 2014


This page is very recent and I made it because I'd been inspired by some black and white (well shades of grey really) journals I'd seen online.  It seemed a very interesting way to work and although I didn't want to do a whole journal this way, I chose to try it out for the last page in the current one

You'll have seen my Modigliani ladies before - and not least the ones from the accidentally copied in black and white page.  I sourced the images on Google and made a collage sheet with them, which I now copy at need.  That first non colour page was a happy accident that I've had a lot of use from.

So with these ideas in mind I made a monochrome copy of another of my home-made collage sheets and used that here.  The background is a simple coat of grey acrylic paint, with borders cut from my collage sheet.  I then went on to add bits and pieces like the bunting shapes at the top, and the clock, and then of course my Modigliani lady - I'd avoided using this one because she never seemed to fit before with what I was doing ....
But once she was in place on the page - at this stage just an exercise in working monochrome - I decided she looked as exposed as I sometimes feel, and there was my subject matter!
It is my mission to be brave and fearless with myself in the journals I make - after all anything else would be pointless wouldn't it?  I then try to be equally brave about the ones I share (almost all but not quite) in the hope that this might help somebody else, or speak to them in some way.
I'm really pleased with the finished piece, although I did miss bold colours a bit, but nonetheless its an interesting way to work now and again - the grey might be particularly appropriate for difficult days or sad ones?

There will be a few more pages from this A5 journal to share, but at the moment I'm doing exploratory work in a new size, and loving it!  My new journal is SQUARE, which gives me just that bit more scope, and the paper is so much better quality.  Its approximately 8 x 8, so it still sits comfortably on the shelf, but the question now is whether I buy more of these or bite the bullet and try making some of my own?

And of course a number of people asked after the adopted pussycat, and the news is GOOD.  William, as we've named him, has settled in amazingly quickly.  He and Stanley are on their way to be firm friends and enjoy taking turns to chase each other around the house.  Apparently their relationship will be less combative once William is neutered - he's so very distinctively male at the moment that my beloved calls him "fluffynuts". Here's a picture of an early meeting between the boys - William is the black one.
Just noticed that the cats are also monochrome!!  What an artistic household we are ....


  1. Love the monochrome but I wouldn't want a whole journal like that! Good luck with your new journal and/or making your own x

  2. That is an interesting page, Rosie, and how lovely that you found a use for your "lady" she fits in rather well on your page.
    I love the picture of the 2 cats, I hope they become good friends

  3. Enjoyed your collage, both the visual and the written. Can empathize with it.

  4. And despite (or because of?) the monochrome, the vitality of line and shape is all the more prominent to my eye, Rosie. Your lady was clearly waiting patiently for just the right day ... I enjoyed reading how your sense of what you wanted to write came out of the visuals as you listened to yourself while you chose them and laid them down. There's a message for me today - I often don't start anything because I can't think what I want to convey.

  5. How very arty with the kitties. Your art has always inspired me, I admire your candid nature and the way you explain how a piece evolves from conception to completion. Glad the boys are getting along.


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