
Thursday, 21 March 2013


I found this headline in one of the papers I regularly mine for possible material, and just couldn't resist using it!  (This is actually a page from last year that I haven't blogged yet).

Usual background of Caran d'Ache crayons plus the headline, and a stamp of a man who looks like a shrink (well I think he does).  It actually stayed like this for quite a few weeks, and then the rest came to me ....
I read this study that demonstrated how being totally absorbed in a hobby like crafting is really good for you and releases happy hormones!  We could have told them that, right?  For me it refreshes the parts other activities don't reach.
I've often wondered how people can live without a passion?  No not that kind, but some absorbing interest you can get really enthusiastic about, like following your team, collecting stamps, or crafting.  I can never WAIT to stop doing what I should be doing, and start doing my art instead!  Its not like that for everyone and I can't help thinking that for people who don't have an absorbing hobby life must be a bit .... well monotonous?  With my disability it just about saved  my life when I realised that my working life was over - if I hadn't been able to throw myself into making stuff I might have gone under.

I always tell people that when I was young I spent all my spare money on clothes, but now I dress from charity shops and supermarkets and spend all my spare cash (and some that probably isn't) on craft stuff.  But the pleasure it gives me is simply priceless ... and just look at all these j ournals and scrapbooks my grateful children will inherit!  Yeah, right.  I rather hope they might keep one or two anyway ...
The flying pigs are a stamp (who could resist) but pretty much everything else is drawn/doodled.  Have I mentioned that I rather enjoy doing that?

PS Any similarity in colour scheme between this and the page I blogged last week is entirely coincidental, they were made about a year apart!


  1. What a brilliant page, Rosie. And I so agree with you - losing yourself in art in craft is good for the soul (but not necessarily cheaper than therapy LOL).

  2. Rosie, this page is fabulous and so so true! No convincing needed in this corner! Your doodles are amazing, really love this style :D x

  3. yep - I would much rather spend my money on crafty stuff than clothes these days Rosie. How true your pages are. Who needs a study to know that hey?

  4. Fab work, Rosie and yes, I spend mine on crafty stuff, too, trawling charity shops for something to wear, he, he. Great news, too - to think we actually got SOMETHING right?? x

    Happy Easter, Rosie xxx

  5. I really love your flying pigs, Rosie! I'd like some to stamp on top of every government document I get sent these days (plus one that says 'blah, blah'). But I digress. Perhaps I will doodle some ... Such a pretty page, and the warm colours cheer my soul and remind me that doing creative things really does make me happy too. Good to read of the evidence; I just wish i had not cone to it so late!

  6. That should have said 'come', of course. Arrgh ...

  7. Rosie,
    I simply had to leave a comment because after looking through your wonderful blog I realized that we are so much alike in so many ways. I kept running across art journal pages that expressed my very thoughts and situations...we both have debilitating fibromyalgia to the degree that we had to stop working outside the home, that we see the blessing of that meaning we get to create art every day when we feel up to it, that we both honor and respect Frida Khalo for the same reasons, we both struggled with needing assistance to get around (me a walker and you a wheelchair), and that we both deal with depression and need life long medication for it. I imagine there is more, but it really struck me. I wish we lived on the same continent at least so that we might have the opportunity to meet. But, perhaps we might keep in touch over the internet if you have the time/energy. I absolutely ADORE your art and journaling. I have mostly been creating one of a kind jewelry pieces using antique, vintage and modern supplies, but I am now creating an altered book in journal style about women, and will be starting my art journal soon. In the '90s I kept an art journal when going through a deep depression and therapy for a few years, but it was mostly crayon drawings and magazine cut out collages. I'm excited to begin my mixed media journal and you have provided so much inspiration! Thank you so much! And Peace to your heart, Sara

  8. I am just gettiing into art journallng and really love your pages - there is something about them I really like. I especially like the Christian ones and go to our nearby church. Thanks for the inspiration


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