
Tuesday 31 May 2011


I hadn't gone anywhere but my camera had decided to have a funny 5 minutes and pictures weren't uploading from camera to PC. I've fiddled about and reloaded the software, but it still wasn't working, though after some days I eventually managed upload these direct from within Photoshop Elements.

I had the most brilliant day on Saturday - went to my first ever art journalling class at Art from the Heart (what a FABULOUS place) for a session on mini art journals with Kate Crane. We did all sorts of backgrounds and techniques, and I worked well out of my comfort zone - which was exactly what I wanted. I'd begun to feel as if my pages were getting a bit "samey" and wanted to be jolted out of my rut. All of the pages are about 6 x 4, so much smaller than my usual A5, and they are all done on a gesso base with acrylic paint. Now I don't normally like paint very much - it dries to a chalky finish which makes my teeth itch, but I got around this by giving them a coat of matt acrylic varnish when I got home.
The first challenge for me was using more than one colour!! I'm terrible like that, if I start with a blue I keep reaching for other blues, I'm a bit of a monochrome girl ... But look, not only more than one colour but two completely CLASHING colours, pink and orange, which it turns out I absolutely love, but would never have put together left to myself. These are the only pages which have any writing on at present.
We used masks and stamps, and techniques like using the edge of a credit card to add white or dark grey lines, or a bottle cap to add circles. All this was completely uncharted territory for me. Those who had a look at my journal exclaimed over how neat it all was, and I had to say "yes but I'm trying NOT to be"!!
This last is the one page I don't like very much - at least, the background is OK but I'm not a bit happy with that awful picture which looks a bit like that Beckham person don't you think?? And will I use all the new techniques I've learned from now on, or go back to my old ways. Not sure ... watch this space!!


  1. gorgeous pages Rosie! Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself.

  2. Oooh I think Blogger may actually let me comment! It's been being a right pain today!

    Love your pages and backgrounds... am so jealous... I'd love to attend a class at AFTH, especially one with Kate! Ah well... one day... :D

  3. Gorgeous as always, Rosie! Sounds like the class was fun, too. I'm not jealous -- well, maybe a little.

  4. It's good to step out of the comfort zone sometimes and it looks lilke you had fun doing just that.....and yes, she does look like the Beckham woman!

  5. Lovely to read you've had an upbeat time after the recent doldrum-y bits. :) And I absolutely love the background on that last one ...

  6. Hi Rosie, I wanted to stop by and thank you for your comment on my blog. I also wanted to answer your question about the boxes. They're all wood. I like to find old ones at garage sales or wooden cigar boxes---you can buy empty ones at your local tobacco store.(not expensive either)
    As far as the new ones that I use--I get them through Darice (there is a website), but I'm not sure if you can order international. But any craft store has these plain wooden boxes, and not very costly. I hope this info helps, and thanks again!

  7. Rosie, your pages are fab. Glad you enjoyed your day. AFTH and Kate is pretty much a perfect combo, don't you think?

  8. This is amazing, did you actually write that - I wish my writing was that good.

    Don't cover the background of VB - just cover her up!! it's gorgeous.

  9. Ooh, I was so proud of you getting out of your comfort zone and using paints LOL! Your pages look fab, and actually I really like the last one! It was great to meet you IRL and to see your beautiful journals too. Hope our paths cross again one day :-) x

  10. So glad you had a good time Rosie, but can't believe I missed you...I LOVE Dyan's classes, and only decided not to go on Saturday at the very last minute, what a shame!
    Maybe one day we can do a class there together, it'd be great to meet up x

  11. It was lovely to meet you at the class Rosie - and your journal pages are great. Kate always provides a great atmosphere at her classes which makes it not quite as scary to step out of your comfort zone :-)

    I was trying to think of a word that summed up your journal pages and I think 'accomplished' is about right. They have a lovely style and finish about them and seem unique to you - which is something quite special.

  12. Fabulous pages Rosie.....what a great workshop it must have been. I especially like the last one :-)

  13. Awesome pages Rosie. I live in Australia and unable to attend the workshop - your pages have inspired me sooo much. Beautiful. Will be in UK next year - maybe there is a workshop on then????


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