
Thursday, 28 April 2011


Well I'd woken up this morning feeling a bit sorry for myself - making friends in a new place is slow and our new life not yet established. Then I look at these pages made just a few days ago and am reminded that this is nothing worse than a down sort of day, and that actually I am .... as the page says, very lucky! That's Pollyanna's thought for the day then. This page started with a sheet of Basic Grey paper - I love these backgrounds they do, just perfect for journalling on. I use papers some of the time to strengthen the pages of this book, which aren't that strong even with two sheets stuck together. Then I set to with another of the gorgeous Artchix collage sheets Helga sent me - love those vibrant pinks and the leopard skin I'm always threatening to take to wearing (daughters would disown me)!! At this stage I genuinely had no idea what I was going to write about, but then I put the words "I'm so lucky" on the big house shape, and I was off!
And then (as you can see) I just sort of wandered all over the page doing what comes naturally ... which is why I tend not to prepare pages ahead, that doesn't really seem to work for me at all in what is a truly organic process. More often than not I don't know what I'm going to say when I begin a page, say how can I know what images will work?
And then when I've said everything ... I fill up the gaps (can't seem to allow blank spaces anywhere - is that a character defect??) with doodling. Its just so relaxing doing that - I let my mind drift off, usually on the subject I've been writing about. That's why I love art journalling so much - for me its such a reflective process.
But the truth is that I'm wishing I could recapture the spirit of thankfulness in which this page was made just a few days ago. Now I seem to be cranky and out of sorts. Maybe I'm a bit tired, it certainly can't be the weather which is gorgeous and sunny, if a bit nippy out. Actually I do know what it is - I need friends to ring up or press my doorbell and for weeks now almost nobody has (except for church business anyway). We do have plans for tomorrow's Royal Wedding and I've got all sorts of secret bunting, flags to wave and plastic tiaras to wear stashed away for a surprise. But the truth is that spending the day with two old ladies isn't quite how I'd imagined it ....

OH STOP IT! Pull yourself together Rosie, STOPPIT with the self pity, and remember how very VERY lucky you really are ....


  1. :( it must be lonely when you have first moved house if you were used to having frequent visits from friends at your old place.

    I've moved around a lot but I've always worked full time, and my free time has been taken up with my kids, so I've been spared that feeling I guess. But I can certainly imagine it can't be much fun.

    I hope you make some good pals very soon - I'm sure there will be no shortage of local crafters keen to join you for a mini crop in your lovely pink room!

  2. I'm sure things will improve very soon. You will be surprised at who lives just round your corner if only you go looking but it may take a little time :-) at least all your wonderful blogging friends are still here :-)
    A x

  3. Yes, we're all allowed to have days like this--I take them on as a challenge and don't let them get the better of me--I do just what you did--write my own mental journal page.
    Art really helps--just look at your awesome pages, and the royal wedding--how fun.
    I'll only be able to see it on TV, and since I'm not a big fan of television, I'll probably only read about it on the internet.

  4. my most difficult thing is Prompts, This page is amazing in it's story as well as the art!
    Love It!

  5. Ooh you 're bringing back all the feelings I had when we moved to a new area 7 years ago. I felt very emotional for quite a while and remember one day I even got tearful in Asda because I didn't know anyone! Now I can't imagine living anywhere else ..... In time you will quite at home I'm sure, but it does take time .....
    Your journal page is great - as always, it's lovely to see it in progress. X

  6. Really beautiful!!! Such a great post Rosie! Many Blessings.

  7. Love your page, especially the cat looking out. I think we all have those days but hopefully it will soon pass for you. Enjoy your weekend.:)

  8. Another lovely. lovely page ... I guess we can both feel lucky AND down at times - one doesn't necessarily cancel out the other, in my experience. Hoping you and the two old ladies loved the bunting, your kindness and the wedding. :)

  9. Your journalling is proving to be very useful to you ... as well as beautiful.

    Can't wait to see you in 2 weeks!!


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