
Saturday, 8 January 2011


Well it's what you do at the beginning of a New Year isn't it? Even though I don't make resolutions there's something about starting over in January that makes you believe that, somehow, this year can be different ...

This page began with a leftover piece of scrapbook paper (I have to use them up somehow!) which is also the source of the stripy border. Like I say, I don't make resolutions, but I started to think about getting to the end of the year, and the things I hope for in the months to come. More like setting hopeful goals if you see what I mean?
I had a lot of fun doodling and generally messing about with this, but its only now that I realise I've done it again - why do I (nearly) always write across the page in straight lines? I could write sideways, or in circles, anything I like, but give me a blank page and I'll automatically work in tidy lines from left to right. Maybe I should add that to my list as a goal - to train myself to think outside the box, and to write in all kinds of different ways? You may have to remind me ....


  1. Writing horizontally makes it wonderfully legible for those of us who read along, but as you rightly point out, your art is for us rather than others! I am sure we will be pleased to turn our heads, or even stand on them :). Cheering you on here.

  2. Sorry, I meant to type "your art is for YOU rather than for others!"

  3. Beautiful stuff on this blog! I have been scrolling through looking at everything, took my first art journaling class today and am interested to know what pens you use that write over paint>

  4. this is a gorjuss piece, so glad i follow you, your work is very inspiring xx

  5. Love to see the progression of your page, super page.

  6. I am sitting here this snowy morning blog hopping and I love your blog! I love the fact that you show your pages in process. I am truly inspired. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I don't do resolutions either, but this year I have a list of things to do. Not resolutions, a list. As for your straight line writings... I think it goes with how blooming tidy your desk always seems to be. Neat and ordered. It explains why my journalling gets slapped down any old how... you should see my desk.

  8. Hi Rosie! Another wonderful journal page, I love how you show them in progress :) x

  9. Hi Rosie
    I dont really do NY resolutions either but this I have & thats to make a little time to stop by blogs more often :) (Don't know how long its going to last though!) & I'm glad I stopped by yours Your journal pages are LUSH I love your doodling and how you fill the space without making it look overcrowded. Beautiful, beautiful pages Thanks for sharing.


I love your comments and find them very helpful, but only have limited strength and energy so have chosen to follow just a few blogs rather than leave thank-yous for the comments I receive. Hope you understand, and I do SO appreciate your feedback.