
Sunday, 2 January 2011


OK, I admit it, that's not strictly true ... as I did start my new book on 19th December, but the principle is there! And it is my first posting of a New Year isn't it? Near enough. The background is Distress Inks just smudged around in my usual fashion and then splattered with water, and because this is page one I started writing about what these journals mean to me ...
And then you can sort of see how it grew, as the conversation with myself sort of wandered along. This process is all very unplanned with me, sometimes I do a whole page in an afternoon or sometimes I make a start and come back to it days or even weeks later.
On this occasion I finished this page over a couple of days, and as usual I felt I HAD to fill all the available space! Some of it is blocks of colour and pattern from collage sheets (I was in very pink mode that day, which usually means that I'm happy). It's also pleasing to see that although I'm still writing in straight lines, I have varied things by writing sideways and in blocks - otherwise I tend to just scrawl my way across the page left to right, just because that's what I'm used to! How set in my ways am I getting, its embarrassing!


  1. I like your style Rosie, I like how you fill all the space. I'm eclectic in my style - I keep experimenting with different ways...from using painty backgrounds to inky ones, using images or stamping - or even the whole lot on one page! But for now I'm happy with that so I guess that's all that matters eh?
    Happy New Year! x

  2. nice to see you've been in the pink~zone again! xx

  3. I just love you step by step pictures of your journal. it helps me to get the process of journalling. Thank you for taking them time to do that!

  4. Hello. Don't worry about getting back to me, that's NOT why I leave comments. I found your blog via Jabberwocky's blog. I am so grateful that you show the process of journaling in a way that I resonate with. I am so often stymied by those who throw out prompts, give a short run-down and then leave you wondering what's the what! I like the way you do things. Very helpful. Tina

  5. Wow, I love your journal and your individual style. Your handwriting is fabulous, I'm so envious. It's given me some inspiration, thanks.

  6. A wonderful start to your new journal! The colour is lovely and I love how free you are with your journalling.

  7. its gorjuss, well done, i love the way the writings are all so different but go together so well xx

  8. Wonderfully vibrant! Love the happy feel - and hope it continues right throughout the year for you.


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