
Wednesday, 20 October 2010


Not doing very good joined up thinking yesterday, so forgot to take a picture. This is the result - a genuine, Wednesday morning, no holds barred, unashamedly the real thing ... picture of my workdesk. Now this looks messy to me, which means I'm not too happy about it. Be fair, I could have tidied it up before I photographed it, but I didn't, pursant to my policy of being fearlessly honest in my art.
And here is the art in question - very much a work in progress, nay hardly started you might say. It's more of those layers which make me think of seams of minerals hidden in the earth, quite appropriate for what I'm trying to write about. Needs more work, but I like to jump about between pages as inspiration strikes ... which it doesn't always!

Off out now to indulge in some "Fat Wednesday" hi-jinks with my old man - this is his day off so it's the day when we ditch the healthy eating etc and go out for something luscious like an all-day breakfast! The rest of the time we try to be good. It works for us. Back later to admire all those lovely desks .... and if you don't know what this means, get on over to Julia's place and join in.


  1. I like the writing on your journal page...keep meaning to try that!
    Have a fab breakfast.
    Sue xx 72

  2. Great desk darling and you'er so tidy too !!
    Have a fun day
    Hugs Susie xx

  3. I am in love with the background on these pages. And being a neat freak, I can totally understand how you would think your desk is messy. Happy WOYWW (no. 12).

  4. I really like that page of your journal - that is my mission for next year I think - an art journal. Wish I was that tidy.
    x Tricia ( 790

  5. oh great desk and that journal looks fab,hugs cheryl x

  6. Hi ya
    your desk looks tidy compared to mine, lovely book, great colours, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(13)

  7. I say it is coming along very very nicely X
    This week I am link number 67 :0)

  8. I love the sound of Fat Wednesday food! Love your journal. (38)

  9. Hope you enjoyed your lunch out. Love your artwork.
    A x

  10. I love that page, it looks gorgeous!

  11. I think your desk is very tidy and your journal page is gorgeous, love the colours. Tracy Evans x

  12. I wondered what 'hi-jinks' you were talking about there for a minute - lol. Hope you enjoyed your breakfast.

    Another lovely journal page - even in it's unfinished state.

    Your workdesk always looks so lovely.

    Sherry (103)

  13. I my definition of "messy" does not quite match yours... Your desk looks very tidy to me! Love your journal page. Happy WOYWW # 82

  14. I like the idea of Fat Wednesday too - only trouble is - I like Fat Thursday, Friday, Saturday....

  15. That desk is tidy, no mess there just a few scraps of creativity. Lovely journal page, both the background and the writing too.
    joZarty x

  16. Rosie - that desk is disgusting LOL - yeh right... each to their own.

    Love what you have scribed in the journal - I think i'm also quite a lot of those things you have put down - so, apart from you being a neat freak and me couldn't care less - we're quite similar underneath!!!

    Hope you went for broke on the bacon and eggs!!! LOL!

    Paula x x x

  17. I'm loving that background Rosie; nice one!
    And yes, you are all those things...and more (but 'pink devotee' really should be there :-)

  18. Oh, that´s not a mess if you compare with mine!
    And your journals are really great!
    Tuire #85

  19. Your desk is not messy, it only has your beautiful art journal and pen out of place!! LOL The journal is going to be stunning - the colours are lovely. Sorry I am late... its the list, its killing me! Annette #33

  20. You're going to have such an amazing journal when this is all finished Rosie! It's beautiful.

    Brenda 87

  21. Love your page, thanks for the snoop round your desk.

  22. Looking pretty tidy to me Rosie and really liking the journal page - I must say, "Fat Wednesday" sounds like a grand idea to me:)

  23. Your desk looks really organised to me. Love the way your journal looks.
    I think I might just adopt "Fat Wednesdays" - they sound like fun!

  24. Looks a very tidy desk to me! and I love your journal there - I like the way you have done the writing - hope you enjoyed your breakfast! Thanks for sharing (no. 46)

  25. What a lovely tidy desk and some wonderful artwork. I'm a newbie to the WOYWW so please be gentle with me!! Best wishes, Kym (No 42)

  26. Persuant to my policy of being late - I'm so glad you didn't tidy - athtough I can barely tell Rosie!! Love to hear you're having time out with your man, really I relish our odd days of just us. And a full English would be a bonus for sure!


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