
Saturday 7 August 2010


I've been playing with that journal again ... and (sorry about that first bit, blogger is having a hissy fit again) this is the result. I like putting a border around pages - well some of them anyway - and have used an assortment of collage sheets and bits of this and that, plus a couple of houses from a Dyan Reaveley sheet. The arch house is a Paper Artsy stamp. I still seem to feel an overwhelming urge to fill every inch of each page, but I'm working on it ...

Haven't forgotten my promise to make this collage sheet available as a freebie. I've saved it as a JPEG file, which I hope everyone who wants it will be able to save to their own computers and print. I'd be very interested to have feedback on how you get on, and whether you'd prefer a PDF file or whatever ... not least because I've made a couple more!!


  1. This looks like great fun too!!


  2. you really have this journalling down to an art form.. pardon the pun, love the page.. and your freebie in pdf is fine by me.. i think! how do i get it?

  3. Love your art journalling at the moment - know you must feel down but hopefully getting it all out onto paper is making you feel lots better :) I am a little stuck at the moment and don't seem to have any inspiration to journal :(
    Your printable page is fab - more please!! :) x

  4. Wonderful stuff Rosie - I love the journal page and the collage sheet!
    You are so brill at all this.....

  5. Love your journal -really need to get back into mine - thanks for the inspiration ! Ali

  6. fan-tabulous page Rosie. Love it and the downloads are brilliant.

  7. Looks fab, would love to use these, you are very generous. As regards the blank space, I know what you mean, but I have just come back from a weekend at Art from the Heart with Dina Wakley, and have finally managed to do the white space thing. If you can get there next time she comes, GO - it was fantastic! P.S. You SO get this journalling lark!


I love your comments and find them very helpful, but only have limited strength and energy so have chosen to follow just a few blogs rather than leave thank-yous for the comments I receive. Hope you understand, and I do SO appreciate your feedback.