
Wednesday, 23 December 2009


Not much time for crafting around here - but I am keeping busy with activities like this!! Help yourself to one or two if you're passing .... my hand slipped a bit with the brandy in the mincemeat so they rather refresh the parts other mince pies don't reach!!

The house is filling up with daughters, and the grand-daughters arrive very soon, so shan't have a minute to myself for a few days ... but HAPPY CHRISTMAS to (both!) my readers and all my wishes for a joyful New Year. Because its a special time of year I have got a bottle of Jack Daniels and I intend to become very good friends with him indeed!! (I normally get supermarket own brand whisky, but this is a treat).

Back soon with pictures of our festivities .....


  1. Pam says "Have a wonderful time with The Tiddlers, Rosie. I am quite green."

  2. Merry Christmas Rosie, Have a wonderful time visiting with family. I wanted to mention I did not know about your fibromylagia and am interested in how you came to be diagnosed. Maybe we could corresponde someime on this subject as I am close to questioning my doctor about this but have no idea how to approach the idea.
    I'd love a swig of that wiskey but ohhh how it makes me choke as it's going down.

  3. Have a great time but be careful you don't wear yourself out with all those visitors.x

  4. Happy Christmas my friend!!! Save a couple of mince pies for when we come to see you!!
    Linda xxx


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