
Thursday, 1 October 2009


Still trying to make a felt brooch I actually like enough to give as a gift ... I continued working on the felted jumper I shrank in the wash (deliberately I should add)!! I took some recycled silk sari yarn, undid it a bit from its twist, and then felted it into the background fabric.

Then I threaded my sewing machine with gold and stitched over it - I used a herringbone stitch and just sort of did spirals over the silk yarn

Finally I added an assortment of beads. I still don't think I like the results very much, but this is definitely an improvement on my first efforts, so maybe it just takes time and patience. I've got the time but am not sure about the patience ....!!


  1. oo rosie - i think this is fabulous!

  2. I sure think this is looking beautiful! :) xx

  3. How could you not like it - it's beautiful!!!

  4. I think it is so pretty Rosie, but are we not often our own worst critics?

  5. The final picture is great...and I liked the middle one too. You're doing brilliantly!

  6. Hi Rosie

    I also suffer from FM and have a flu bug to go with it this weekend - which is why I have found you sitting here surfing the net. I love your blogs and your work and it has inspired me to get going as well.

    I know what you mean about dreading winter - a previous posting. Wouldn't autumn be the best season if winter didn't come after it!! I am already huddled in lots of layers - FM sufferers must feel the cold more I think.

    Keep going!


  7. That is beautiful work !
    Love the colors together !
    Love Rini the Netherlands

  8. I love your felting work , beautiful colors together !
    xox RINI


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