
Monday, 13 July 2009


This is my youngest daughter's room, empty because it's awaiting her return home tomorrow. She's moving back in and I feel very mixed about it - scared mostly. We have a fabulous relationship that is a delight to me, and I'm afraid that living together again might spoil it? I should explain that she's 25 and has lived away from home for many years, with a brief return 3 years ago between university and the big city.

She said to me "Mum I can't seem to get ahead - all the money I earn goes on rent and travel, and I never get to clear my overdraft, and I'm so tired of it". So she's coming home to live with us, looking for a job and a chance to clear her debts and start over. I'm proud of her for making this brave decision.

Since my mother in law lives with us it's not as if she'll be invading our privacy, it may even turn out to be a wonderful new stage in our lives. So why do I feel so scared?


  1. Once you get over the "scary" part of relating to her as an adult, and not your child back under your roof - it will all be wonderful!!! GReat room!!!

  2. I agree with oogleboops, but I would also be scared if our daughter was to live here again too. She is also 25 but only been gone for a year now, when she comes home for a few days it's fine and we get along really well I am just not ready to have her back full time. If I had to, well, then of course I would.
    I must say she has a beautiful room, even with nothing in it, looks like a nice view from that window too :)

  3. Im sure it will be wonderful.
    I hope all goes well for her and it is the start of something wonderful.

    I have left something on my blog for you, JAQI X

  4. I understand your worries...I hope your daughter understands how lucky she is to get the chance to do this....I am sure all will be well.

  5. When I first saw this photo Rosie, I thought you'd cleared out your craft room!! It looks just the same!

    Well, join the club.....I know exactly what it feels like to have a daughter back home. We adjust though... it will be fine.

  6. Our son is home just for the summer (turned 21 last week), it was a bit rocky in the beginning, but now it's lovely....I think allowing for an adjustment period helps, I will remember that for next summer. When I get stressed I make art!!!!
    Sending all good wishes your way Rosie!

  7. Just discovered your blog!
    It is strange - because I have been thinking of my daughter today - she is 24 and has been in her own place now for a year.
    I worry about our young people. Your daughter is so wise - to realize that she could go home and try to get ahead. Debt is a terrible thing. She is lucky to have you to go to.
    I wish you (and her) well.
    (have you tried Wishcraft Wed. - I see a perfect wish there!)


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