
Tuesday, 10 February 2009


I haven't been in a circle journal for some time and was starting to miss the arrival of a book to work on every month! I wanted to work in a vintage style so, through UK Scrappers, I started one. It's called Strictly Vintage and the theme can be anything that can be delivered in a vintage style.

I sent mine off last week and received this one - it has 6 x 6 pages and is about the inheritance of families, and each participant is asked to contribute something from their own family. I spent a happy morning working on this and of course thoroughly enjoyed producing the vintage look.


  1. Beautiful and I love the 'memory is...... sentiment.


  2. Looks gorgeous Rosie...whoever receives it will love it I'm sure.
    Linda xxxxxx

  3. Rosie I love your cj pages.....
    I did mine without taking a picture
    didn't think to put it on my blog...
    Love Sharon xx

  4. Fabulous, I love the swirls at the left hand side of the page, did you draw them freehand? They finish the page of beautifully.
    I adore anything vintage and these pages are wonderful. Thank you for sharing, Jaqi


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