
Saturday 25 October 2008


The Arty Girls challenged us to use blue and orange, and since that's a colour scheme I almost never use I thought I'd have a go ....

This is going to be a page for a little arty book I'm putting together - I'm fed up of making ATCs that nobody swaps and the blooming things are mounting up, so for now I'm NOT making any ....

The background is done with Distress inks with an extra spray of Colour Wash. The colour is so intense it's absolutely gorgeous isn't it? I made my blue house with an Invoke Arts stamp and an Artchix image. The tree is a Hero Arts stamp and the grass by Tanda stamps.

Obviously this is an air-conditioned house in Africa where the lovely lady likes to walk about in her undies dreaming of this and that. Little does she know that the blue bird of happiness is about to pay her a visit .....


  1. beautiful, you should do more of this colour scheme.
    chriss x

  2. Fantastic ATC and YES gorgeous color combo indeed....Love your story to go with it as well :)

  3. wow Rosie this is gorgeous the orange background just makes everything pop.
    Thanks for joining in with the Arty Girlz challenge.

    crissi xx

    p.s Rosie you have'nt put a link on Arty girlz to thie gorgeous piece yet ?? did you forget? or get side tracked which is usualy my thing LOl

  4. This is gorgeous Rosie! Love the color combinations and that little birdy is lovely.

  5. P.S I would be happy to do a ATC swap with you if you were interested :) You do lovely work!

  6. Gorgeous! I love that you are telling the background story...makes it even more alive! :)

  7. I love your ATCs but I have only made 3 so far for a Halloween swap recently and I am a little intimated by your gorgeous ones. I would love to swap some with you if you can give me some idea of what you might like - I will try my hand at some more. Love your orange and blue!

  8. I would never have thought about putting these colours together and yet it looks lovely.
    I know what you mean about atcs.....ive got loads mounting up too ! This looks great though Well Done, Jaqi

  9. Oooh that background is HOT!
    Those complimentary colours work so well.
    I'm surprised you have any ATCs left after what you sent me last week. (Actually I have a complaint - you promised me a zillion but I've counted, and I'm a few short.....)


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