
Sunday, 17 March 2019

PATIENT (not) ...

Following on from last week's post, and the change that is coming, I've been forced (again) to acknowledge that I'm not a patient person!  So much in this process is beyond our control, so for now at least I can't take refuge in the plotting and planning that I'm really pretty good at.  What I'm NOT good at is waiting for other people to get organised and make something happen.  This page arose out of trying to manage my impatience ...

I painted the blue background and wiped some of it off with a baby wipe, which gives interesting texture, and then started laying down grey collage pieces.
I just kept adding a bit more, including a lady with a slightly frustrated look on her face (my own face was probably MUCH worse).
Black outlines and grey shadows as ever make all the difference to how the page elements string together, not to mention getting the words out of my brain and onto the page ... helping me to feel lighter.
And here's the finished product - not too much doodly detail for once - but it says what I needed to get off my chest.  Basically it was/still is "grant me patience, Lord, but hurry!".
Hopefully I will manage not to chew my knuckles off while other people decide where we will be relocating to, and what kind of house we'll be living in.  Then yet more patience will be required while disabled adapations take place.  We might get there by Christmas, but then again ....